Catching Up

Do you ever wish the world would just slow down for a few days and let you catch up? I often feel like I’m just a few days behind where I should be; I need those extra hours to make things happen. In my imagination, my obligations are all taken care of and my work is all caught up. No one is waiting for anything from me and there is nothing I absolutely have to get done right now this minute! It makes my shoulders twitch, that imaginary freedom.

Thinking about this the other day I realized that since my imaginary stopping the clock technique is not exactly ever going to happen, the alternative is I must speed up. That’s just physics. And hardly advanced.

I don’t like speed much, I am a bit of a slowpoke. But with all the things I want to do waiting in the sidelines, and with a small babykins taking up most of the day, and with a strong desire to set an example for her of a successful creative lifestyle… speeding up to catch up is my new goal.

We’ll see…

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