Archives for the ‘Recipe’ Category

Baked Pears with Cranberry Sauce

This baked pear recipe from Share My Kitchen was my inspiration one chilly morning a few days before Christmas. I wanted something festive, but still meeting my criteria of coming together fairly quickly. As it turns out, I prefer to sleep a few extra minutes rather than labor over elaborate breakfast offerings. But I also […]

Oatmeal Buttermilk Pumpkin Muffins

I’ve been on something of a pumpkin muffin kick lately. I blame it on the weather: that kind of unbelievably beautiful, crisp, brightness of early Autumn, when the breezes carry a cooler edge and everyone starts talking about Halloween and Thanksgiving plans and you know this is only a precursor to the dark cold winter […]

Pond Scum

Looks delicious, no? No? …well, I guess not. But it was! I just got the replacement parts for my blender and we are back in smoothie-making business. I’m a big fan of fruit smoothies, especially using the variety frozen fruit packages with mango and pineapple, but lately I’ve enjoyed making more veggie concoctions. This one […]

My Favorite Time of the Year

These days… oh these days! Autumn in Virginia is something special, I tell you. And I lived in Vermont for 8 years. In Vermont, Autumn was glorious but came with a sense of impending doom. You always knew, somewhere in the back of your mind, that Winter was coming soon. Spring is the season of […]