Little Felt Flower Doll
Monday, 20 January 2014
Our forecast calls for 3-6 inches of snow tomorrow, but it’s hard not to feel a little springish when the sun is shining and small green shoots are beginning to peer out of the ground. In that spirit, I made this little felt flower doll to start our Spring collection.
She is about 6 inches tall, made of wool felt with a knit cotton head and hands and a bit of needlfelted wool for her hair. A pipe cleaner runs through her arms so they are positionable and some acrylic batting in her dress allows her to stand. From the front she has a wild petal headdress, from the back she becomes a cheery blue daisy.

I sometimes forget that I like felt. In my head, it is stiff and kind of dull. But in reality it is so soft and versatile and you don’t have to worry about hems or fraying or hiding seams. Little projects like this come together quickly and are so satisfying, and I can stitch in the playroom (though my small assistant was no help at all, mostly because she was enthusiastically trying to kiss and hug the new “little doll”).