4 Months
Wednesday, 12 September 2012
Today we celebrated 4 months of learning how important a smile can be, how incredible a laugh can sound. 4 months of sleeping no longer than 3-4 hours at a time (except that one glorious night when she gave me a 7 hour stretch, an occurrence I am still not completely convinced actually happened). 4 months of getting acquainted with this incredible small person who has found us fit to be her family.
Today I was 4 months a momma.
Baby celebrated the day by waking up, very bright and vocal, at 6:30am. We danced in the tiny bathroom – the only dark room in our house – until she gave up and drifted off again. She then punished me for my lack of early morning enthusiasm by refusing to be set down for the remainder of the day.
I am here to document my projects, to talk about making things. So far, and I suspect this will never change, the dimple-fisted poppet with the sparkling blue eyes is the most amazing thing I’ve made.